Yuanqi Cao - A Programmer in Sydney
My name is Yuanqi Cao. I am a web programmer in Sydney.
I mostly work in Java(Spring), Javascript and python on OSX and Linux. I am pasionate with technology and would like to try new frameworks and tool in my projects, such as AngularJS, TypeScript and some cool stuff.I think a good developer is receptive and has the ability to learn new technologies.
I am living in Sydney, Before I gained my IT degree in UNSW Sydney, I gained a bachelor of Biology and Finance and worked for a few years in financial industry in China.
As a programmer I touched these tools and techs:
Backend:Spring(Security, MVC, Data ...), Hibernate, Python
Frontend:Sass, LessJS, JQuery, TypeScript, AngularJS, Thymleaf, JSP, BootStrap
Tools:Gulp, GruntJS
Language:Python, Java, C, Perl, Javascript, Css3, Shell, Emacs Lisp, SQL, Ruby
By the way, I am a Emacs user and coding every thing with it or its keybinding